“Tales Across Borders” is a series of storytelling events that takes place throughout the year in Marrakech. Each month we will welcome world-renowned storytellers from a different region of the globe. These storytellers have two main objectives: to explore the rich storytelling traditions of Africa, particularly Morocco, and to share the stories of their own cultures.
The events are open to all and free. They are designed to entertain and create a space for cultural exchange between artists and the public. Our goal is to celebrate storytelling as a universally loved art form while honoring the particular cultures and traditions that each storyteller brings
03 / 24: Evening of Jordanian-Moroccan storytelling with master storytellers Sally Shalabia and Hamza Aqrabaoui
dates: March 28-29-30
Theme: Arabian Epics
04 / 24: Anglo-Moroccan evening of storytelling with master storytellers John Row and Jan Blake
dates: April 25-26-27
Theme: Trade routes: Marrakech and Manchester
05 / 24: ALL-Star Morocco storytelling evening with Mlm. Mohamed Bariz, Mlm. Zouhair Khaznaoui, Mohamed M'Rabet, Ilham EL Mansour, Mariam Cannan and others...
dates: May 23-24-25
Theme: Tamghrabit
06 / 24: Evening of Senegalese-Mauritano-Moroccan stories with Papa Ousmane Faye and Massamba Gueye
dates: June 23-24-25
Theme: Tales from the Sahel
09 / 24: Evening of Tunisian-Moroccan storytelling with Master Storytellers Youssef Baklouti and Hicham Darouich
dates: 26-27-28 September
Theme: From Qaraouien to Qairawan: The bird of wisdom
10 / 24: American-Moroccan Storytelling Evening with Master Storyteller Baba-C and Debra Weller
dates: October 24-25-26
Theme: On the way to Estebanico (Mustapha AL-Azmouri)
12 / 24: Evening of Iranian-Moroccan storytelling with Zahra Asfahan and Abid Rostami
dates: December 26-27-28
Theme: On the path to love